Senior Resource Page
This webpage serves as a postsecondary planning resource for current MHS seniors and senior parent sponsors.
The GPS Plan
MHS seniors work with their Career Counselor to create a GPS Plan (postsecondary plan) based on their academic performance and the amount of CES funds they accrued. All MHS seniors must have an approved GPS Plan in order to use their scholarship (CES).
The GPS Plan preparation process involves career exploration, research of programs/degrees at the GPS Partner Schools, college visits to partner schools, and the college application and financial aid process.
Learn more about how the GPS Department reviews and approves a student’s postsecondary plan.
The Continuing Education Scholarship (CES)
Our Continuing Education Scholarship (CES) is a partnership between MHS and our young alumni to help make higher education affordable by adding to college-awarded aid to cover basic costs.
Learn more about the Continuing Education Scholarship from our Scholarship Supervisor.